Willem Poortman - Magewire 3

Willem Poortman

Willem Poortman

The talk: Magewire 3

In this talk, I will share the journey of building Magewire 3 from a clean slate, leveraging the knowledge accumulated from developing Magewire 1. Throughout this process, I faced numerous challenges, especially in making the porting of Laravel packages more enjoyable and beneficial for Magewire 3. The journey has been demanding, particularly with the extensive feature set of Livewire, which I aim to integrate into Magento. Despite the difficulties, this has been an insightful experience, marked by valuable lessons learned and significant innovations achieved.

About Willem Poortman

Willem has been a member of the Hyvä team for over three years and is a naturally curious, self-taught senior Magento developer and solutions architect with more than a decade of web development expertise. Specializing in PHP and Magento 2, Willem has extensive experience in crafting robust e-commerce solutions. His skills extend beyond the technical realm; as a former Technical Director, he not only managed development teams but also played a crucial role in strategic leadership, organizational operations, and process management.

Willem's approach combines analytical acumen with technical creativity, enabling him to pioneer innovative strategies, operational models, and solutions. He excels in complex and uncertain environments, and his deep passion for strategic leadership, organizational operations, process management, and automation has been a cornerstone of his professional journey.